Friday, May 28, 2010

Coming out of the fog

You know how you drive someplace and have no idea how you got there? Or how you realize a few hours has passed and you have no idea what you did? Thats been me. For the past few months, I've just been, for lack of a better word, drifting thru life. I've felt blah, had no energy to do anything, was depressed and worst of all, I barely knit. Then my doctor ran some tests and turns out, my thyroid is very low, and my vit D levels, which should be 30, were 9. It's going to take a while before everything is back to where it should be, but I'm so glad to know what was the problem.
In the past month, I've cast on for several things! A pair of socks for my mom, and for mothers day, I'm knitting her Saroyan in mal lettuce. For me, I'm making a Baktus (it's for the CPA KCAL on rav), which is my "watching german subtitled movies" knitting. I'm also knitting a few baby sweaters for some friends and just cast off my very first BSJ. I've also been sewing! I'm on a pillow kick right now.
Yesterday, my mom was taking some laundry out of the washer and found she had washed a mouse (the animal, not the cat). Best we can figure, Dezi caught a mouse and then after he was done playing with it, dropped it in the laundry basket. That was new...
The past two days, it's been hot. 97 hot. I don't have a fan (I'm hoping to buy one this weekend), so I spent the entire time complaining about the heat and missing my snow. I just keep thinking only a few more months, then snow. Then I'll complain about how cold it is.

1 comment:

  1. I have a thyroid disease and have been on Synthroid since I was 18. I find that if I miss a day taking the pill that I get depressed. I hope it all gets sorted out for you!
