Monday, January 14, 2013


I hope you had a wonderful holiday! As for here, the day after Christmas (I got a wine making kit, it kinda totally rocks along with my AMAZING HOBBIT SLIPPERS), my mom went in for a knee replacement. Some things happened, and she wasn't released for over a week. Two days later, she went back in the hospital for a day because she had more issues. She's slowly getting better tho, so that's good.
When my father went to pick her up, he also picked up this dreadful flu/cold/black plague of certain death. Which he oh so kindly shared with yours truly. It started on Thursday, and by Friday, I felt dreadful. I'm still really sick, coughing, I lost my voice pretty much (currently sound like a frog who smokes 12 packs a day, which isn't as fun as it sounds), and just generally miserable. Believe it or not, this is a major improvement from what I was feeling.
What I've been doing mostly is sleeping. And when I'm not doing that, reading or knitting and watching netflix and dvds. this is my main project right now
It's the mystery with joji shawl and I'm in love with this already. The colours I picked out are just so amazing and I honestly just want to squuueeee! I got a late start due to christmas knitting. I still have three gifts to finish, but when you're sick, there is a rule that you must do selfish knitting. It's a rule, trust me. Right now I'm on clue two, and I have to do 7 repeats of 24 rows. I have done 1 and a half repeats so far, and I this rather insane notion that I'm going to be able to catch up before the 4th clue is released.
Which is the 16th. eek! Wish me luck!

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