Thursday, July 18, 2013


Last Tuesday, I fell down two steps, I severely sprained my left ankle, twisted my left knee, and fractured my right leg in severalplaces, tearing my ligament. I went to the er, where I had a terrible time, the nurse splinted my leg wrong the first time, so she had to do it a second time. With no pain killers. And when I left, I was given a few tylenol 3, and crutches that were two different sizes, neither of which was correct.
The splint was cast wrong, and I spent a night in the most pain I have ever felt. It was utterly overwhelming, I just wanted to cry.
I went to the ortho the next day, after begging them to see me. The nurse that messed up with the splint, also put it on wrong, causing unbearable pain. They rewrapped my foot, correctly this time, and for the first time since I broke it, I could think. I'm still in pain, but I can manage it.
Monday, I'm having surgery. I'm having pins and plates put in, and staying at least one night in the hospital. I'll be in a boot or cast for about two months. And I shall also go insane with boredom. To combat that, I've been watching netflix (and amazon, and hulu, and dvds), and knitting/crocheting, and reading. I've read the fault in our stars, and loved it so much. I made this (yet another anne scarf, I'll blog more about it next week)

I also have this wee thing and her sister (not pictured) keeping me company
And of course, my wonderful Astadog, who has seldom left my side and sleeps next to me every night. Right now, she's asleep on my heap of pillows.

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